Bumper Stickers

Those funny phrases you see attached to the bumpers of cars and trucks. ;
  1. Don't steal, the government does not like competition.
  2. Don't take life so seriously, you won't come out of it alive.
  3. Don't take your organs to heaven. Heaven knows we need them down here (Become an organ donor - Thank you: Staralfur)
  4. Don't think of yourself as an ugly person. Think of yourself as a beautiful monkey.
  5. Don't worry about what people think, they don't do it very often.
  6. Don't worry, your worst day will only last 24 hours.
  7. Dr. HODAD - Hands Of Death And Destruction (Bad doctor - Thank you: J.T.)
  8. Drive Now. Talk Later (Hang up your cell phone)
  9. Driver carries no cash. He is married.
  10. Drugs lead to nowhere, but it is a scenic route.
  11. Dude, we totally forgot our slogan - American Medical Marijuana Association.
  12. Dyslexics Untie!
  13. Enjoy your day, until some idiot ruins it.
  14. Even though the cost of living is so high, have you noticed how popular life is?
  15. Fake news: 2 + 2 = 5
  16. Forget World Peace, Try Using Your Turn Signal!!!
  17. Get in, hold on, and shut up.
  18. Global Warming - Canadians welcome it. (Seen on a car with Ontario plates)
  19. God created the world in just 6 days, because there was nobody asking him when will it be done.
  20. God must love idiots, because he made so many.
  21. Guns don't kill people, Drivers with cellphones do.
  22. Hang up and drive.
  23. He who dies with the most toys wins.
  24. He who dies with the most toys , dies anyway.
  25. Heart attack, God's vengeance for eating his little animals.

Total: 185
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