Bumper Stickers
Those funny phrases you see attached to the bumpers of cars and trucks.
;- Don't steal, the government does not like competition.
- Don't take life so seriously, you won't come out of it alive.
- Don't take your organs to heaven. Heaven knows we need them down here (Become an organ donor - Thank you: Staralfur)
- Don't think of yourself as an ugly person. Think of yourself as a beautiful monkey.
- Don't worry about what people think, they don't do it very often.
- Don't worry, your worst day will only last 24 hours.
- Dr. HODAD - Hands Of Death And Destruction (Bad doctor - Thank you: J.T.)
- Drive Now. Talk Later (Hang up your cell phone)
- Driver carries no cash. He is married.
- Drugs lead to nowhere, but it is a scenic route.
- Dude, we totally forgot our slogan - American Medical Marijuana Association.
- Dyslexics Untie!
- Enjoy your day, until some idiot ruins it.
- Even though the cost of living is so high, have you noticed how popular life is?
- Fake news: 2 + 2 = 5
- Forget World Peace, Try Using Your Turn Signal!!!
- Get in, hold on, and shut up.
- Global Warming - Canadians welcome it. (Seen on a car with Ontario plates)
- God created the world in just 6 days, because there was nobody asking him when will it be done.
- God must love idiots, because he made so many.
- Guns don't kill people, Drivers with cellphones do.
- Hang up and drive.
- He who dies with the most toys wins.
- He who dies with the most toys , dies anyway.
- Heart attack, God's vengeance for eating his little animals.
Total: 185