Derisive Rhymes
Rhymes that children use to mock someone.
;- Art, art let a fart and blew it all apart.
- Baby, baby, suck your thumb, wash your face with bubble gum.
- Cheater, cheater, pumpkin eater. (What kids yield to someone who is cheating, taken from a nursery rhyme "Peter, peter, pumpkin eater")
- Fatty, Fatty two by four, can't get through the bathroom floor.
- Liar, liar, pants on fire
- Mary, Mary, is no good; Chop her up for firewood.
- Skinny, skinny you're a ninny!
- Winner, winner, chicken dinner (To mock someone who had something good happen. Some say that this originated from a raffle, where one of the prices was a chicken dinner.)
- You crash, We dash (Airport Fire Rescue saying - Thank you: J.T.)
- You light it, We fight it (Airport Fire Rescue saying - Thank you: J.T.)
Total: 10