Bumper Stickers
Those funny phrases you see attached to the bumpers of cars and trucks.
;- A day without sunshine, is night.
- A dermatologist is the only person that can give a superficial diagnosis.
- Aaagh!! I bit my tooth.
- Algebra, stop asking us to find your X and don't ask us Y.
- All extremist should be shot.
- An empty firearm is a short, ineffective club (No bullets, no results - Thank you: J.T. )
- Annoy a Liberal - Work, Succeed, Be Happy!
- Ask me about my vow of silence. (Gleaned from "Sunbeams" in The Sun Issue 417)
- Ass, Cash, or Grass.... No one rides for free!
- At 4:00 AM you never know if it is too early or too late.
- At war, soldiers receive bullets, generals receive medals.
- Back off ! Or I'll flip a booger on your windshield... (Tailgaters.... - Thank you: Gerry)
- Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in his shoes. That way if he gets angry, he's a mile away -- and barefoot. (Just plain old HAH HAH HAH! - Thank you: Sieran)
- Big brother is watching you (Thank you: Penguinstein)
- Bigamy is having one too many wives... Monogamy is the same thing.
- Breast inspection 10 yards ahead. Have them out, please.
- Buckle up..It makes it harder for the aliens to suck you from your car.
- Can't feed them? Don't breed them!
- Condoms prevent minivans (in a minivan).
- COPS first ones you send for, last ones you want to meet (Thank you: J.T.)
- Dad Farted and We Can't Get Out!
- Don't believe everything you think.
- Don't drink and drive. You'll spill it.
- Don't go to sleep mad, get up and fight!
- Don't laugh... it could be your daughter in here (Thank you: Staralfur)
Total: 185