Bumper Stickers
Those funny phrases you see attached to the bumpers of cars and trucks.
;- My son is Summa Cum Laude
- My son sold the thesis to the Summa Cum Laude
- My wife and I enjoyed 25 wonderful years... then we met. (Thank you: Staralfur)
- My wife comes with instructions... many instructions.
- N.A.D. - National Dyslexia Association (Thank you: Staralfur)
- Not all who wander are lost (Not all who are lost wander - Thank you: JP)
- Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.
- Nuke a Gay Whale for Jesus (An amalgamation of popular 70's bumber stickers. - Thank you: Kevin)
- Only God knows, if I will come back.
- Pass with care. Driver chews tobacco.
- Plant a tree, give happiness to a dog.
- Practice safe sex. Go fuck yourself.
- Procrastination: Hard work often pays off after time, but laziness always pays off now.
- Remember: you are unique... Just like everyone else.
- Say no to drugs. That way you will have more time to drink.
- Say NO to prostitution. Say YES to free sex.
- Scotty, beam me up. There is no intelligent life down here.
- See that lilttle red dot on your dashboard (Weapon has a target - Thank you: J.T.)
- Smiling dog--- The world is my toilet. (Thank you: Don Schwartz)
- Some days you are like the statue, others like the pigeon.
- Some marriages end well. Others last a lifetime.
- Somebody told my friend that his wife was cheating with this best fried. He killed the dog.
- Stop poverty and hunger, eat a homeless person.
- Stop the manipulation, we want free erections.
- Target in sight at my 6 o'clock Hold your fire until advised (Don't blow me up with the car behind me - Thank you: J.T.)
Total: 185