You know more French than you think

You probably know more French than you realize. These are a few phrases which may have come out your mouth at one time or another. ;
  1. Renaissance - Rebirth
  2. Rendez-vous - Render-you (A meeting)
  3. Risqué - Risked (Provocative)
  4. Roué - Wily, debauched
  5. RSVP - Répondez, s'il vous plaît - Please respond
  6. Sacré bleu! - Sacred Blue (An old-time profanity - Thank you: Staralfur)
  7. Sangfroid - Cold blood
  8. Savoir-faire - Know how to act
  9. Tel père, tel fils - Like father like son (Thank you: Olaitan Akol)
  10. Touché - Touched (You got me)
  11. Tour de force - Feat of strength
  12. Tête-à-tête - Head-to-Head (A private conversation between two people)
  13. Vin du pays - Wine of the Country (Local wine)
  14. Vis-a-vis - Face-to-Face (Compared with)
  15. Vive la différence - Long live the differences (There are very few things that are different between the sexes, but as the French say ....)
  16. Voilà ! - There it is!
  17. Vol-au-vent - Flight of the wind

Total: 142

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