You know more French than you think

You probably know more French than you realize. These are a few phrases which may have come out your mouth at one time or another. ;
  1. Lousche - Louche, squint eye, shady
  2. Maître d'hôtel (or simply Maître d' ) - Hotel (restaurant, ...) manager (Thank you: Jaime Ash)
  3. Mise en scène - Stagging
  4. Ménage-à-trois - Arrangement of three
  5. Mon ami - My friend
  6. Mon amour - My love
  7. Mon chérie - My darling
  8. Mon dieu - My God
  9. Noblesse oblige - Nobility obligates
  10. Nom de plume - Pen name
  11. Nouveau riche - New rich
  12. Oeuvre - Work
  13. Panache - Plume
  14. Papier mâché - Mashed paper
  15. Par excellence - By excellence
  16. Passé - Past
  17. Petit four - Small oven
  18. Pièce de résistance - Piece of resistance (Dessert)
  19. Pied-à-terre - Foot on the ground
  20. Protégé - Protected person
  21. Prêt-a-porter - Ready to wear
  22. Qui ne fait rien, n'a rien - He who does, nothing has nothing (Thank you: Arthur Zawodny)
  23. Raconteur - Skilled storyteller
  24. Raison d'être - Reason for being
  25. Rapport - Harmonious relationship

Total: 142
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