Bumper Stickers

Those funny phrases you see attached to the bumpers of cars and trucks. ;
  1. A day without sunshine, is night.
  2. A dermatologist is the only person that can give a superficial diagnosis.
  3. Aaagh!! I bit my tooth.
  4. Algebra, stop asking us to find your X and don't ask us Y.
  5. All extremist should be shot.
  6. An empty firearm is a short, ineffective club (No bullets, no results - Thank you: J.T. )
  7. Annoy a Liberal - Work, Succeed, Be Happy!
  8. Ask me about my vow of silence. (Gleaned from "Sunbeams" in The Sun Issue 417)
  9. Ass, Cash, or Grass.... No one rides for free!
  10. At 4:00 AM you never know if it is too early or too late.
  11. At war, soldiers receive bullets, generals receive medals.
  12. Back off ! Or I'll flip a booger on your windshield... (Tailgaters.... - Thank you: Gerry)
  13. Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in his shoes. That way if he gets angry, he's a mile away -- and barefoot. (Just plain old HAH HAH HAH! - Thank you: Sieran)
  14. Big brother is watching you (Thank you: Penguinstein)
  15. Bigamy is having one too many wives... Monogamy is the same thing.
  16. Breast inspection 10 yards ahead. Have them out, please.
  17. Buckle up..It makes it harder for the aliens to suck you from your car.
  18. Can't feed them? Don't breed them!
  19. Condoms prevent minivans (in a minivan).
  20. COPS first ones you send for, last ones you want to meet (Thank you: J.T.)
  21. Dad Farted and We Can't Get Out!
  22. Don't believe everything you think.
  23. Don't drink and drive. You'll spill it.
  24. Don't go to sleep mad, get up and fight!
  25. Don't laugh... it could be your daughter in here (Thank you: Staralfur)

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