Expressions with Names

There is something peculiar with the English language. Many popular expressions contain someone's name. Here is a small example. ;
  1. A Jack of all the trades (Thank you: Nuwamanya Alex B)
  2. Adam's apple (Thank you: KP)
  3. Annie get your gun (Snap into action immediately - Thank you: Staralfur)
  4. Average Joe (Your average guy - Thank you: Lori)
  5. Barbecue Becky
  6. Becky Homemakey (Good all around wife and cook - Thank you: Charlene Henderson)
  7. Bedtime Billy (When you sleep too much - Thank you: Josh L )
  8. Ben Gay (Thank you: dmc)
  9. Big Bad John (A really tough man. - Thank you: Melissa Webb)
  10. Big Bank Hank! (A comment said to a big spender or when someone has a large sum of money at hand. - Thank you: dkingslayer)
  11. Big Ben (Thank you: MTLJ)
  12. Big Bertha
  13. Big Bubba (Big Bertha's Husband - Thank you: Lexi)
  14. Billy Buttercup (Too be really nice to someone, you know to butter them up - Thank you: Dennis)
  15. Billy Goat
  16. Billy no mates. (Person with no friends - Thank you: James1941)
  17. Bloody Mary
  18. Bob's your uncle. (... and there you have it - Thank you: James 1941)
  19. Bose D K (Intended pun to produce a Hindi-slang-word - Thank you: Pavan Kumar)
  20. Bye Felicia! (An expression used to dismiss someone - Thank you: Raquel)
  21. Calamity Jane (Thank you: Cfinz33 - Calamity followed those who tried to outshoot Martha Jane Canary Burke - 1852-1903, aka Calamity Jane)
  22. Calamnity Kate (Hot mess - Thank you: MH)
  23. Cautious Cornelius (Thank you: Wallace Finlator)
  24. Champagne Charlie (Someone who can afford a life of luxury - Thank you: Damon)
  25. Charlie horse (A cramp in a muscle in the leg)

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