Bumper Stickers

Those funny phrases you see attached to the bumpers of cars and trucks. ;
  1. My son is Summa Cum Laude
  2. My son sold the thesis to the Summa Cum Laude
  3. My wife and I enjoyed 25 wonderful years... then we met. (Thank you: Staralfur)
  4. My wife comes with instructions... many instructions.
  5. N.A.D. - National Dyslexia Association (Thank you: Staralfur)
  6. Not all who wander are lost (Not all who are lost wander - Thank you: JP)
  7. Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.
  8. Nuke a Gay Whale for Jesus (An amalgamation of popular 70's bumber stickers. - Thank you: Kevin)
  9. Only God knows, if I will come back.
  10. Pass with care. Driver chews tobacco.
  11. Plant a tree, give happiness to a dog.
  12. Practice safe sex. Go fuck yourself.
  13. Procrastination: Hard work often pays off after time, but laziness always pays off now.
  14. Remember: you are unique... Just like everyone else.
  15. Say no to drugs. That way you will have more time to drink.
  16. Say NO to prostitution. Say YES to free sex.
  17. Scotty, beam me up. There is no intelligent life down here.
  18. See that lilttle red dot on your dashboard (Weapon has a target - Thank you: J.T.)
  19. Smiling dog--- The world is my toilet. (Thank you: Don Schwartz)
  20. Some days you are like the statue, others like the pigeon.
  21. Some marriages end well. Others last a lifetime.
  22. Somebody told my friend that his wife was cheating with this best fried. He killed the dog.
  23. Stop poverty and hunger, eat a homeless person.
  24. Stop the manipulation, we want free erections.
  25. Target in sight at my 6 o'clock Hold your fire until advised (Don't blow me up with the car behind me - Thank you: J.T.)

Total: 185
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