Adages, the oral transfer of knowledge between generations
Here you will find a list of over seven hundred adages people use everyday to improve their lives. An adage is a short saying that transmits wisdom. Before people knew how to read and write, they passed knowledge by word of mouth. The word adage comes from Latin adagium (saying), formed by the prefix ad- (to, toward, about) and agium (from the verb agio, I say).
;- Almost only counts in hand grenades and horseshoes. (Almost doesn't count - Thank you: Virginia)
- Always be selling what others are buying. (Don't be in business for what you want - Thank you: Kendrick Bateson)
- Amateurs discuss strategy, but professionals talk about logistics.
- An adventure of 1000 miles begins with a single step. (Thank you: Bob)
- An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
- An empty wagon makes a lot of noise (People who have nothing to say talk the most. - Thank you: Steven F.)
- An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. (Thank you: Q)
- An idle mind is the devil's workshop. (If you give kids too much "spare" time, they will find something bad to do - Thank you: Janice M)
- An individual is smart; A group is stupid. (Individuals reason, group mentalities are problematic.)
- An odd kick in the gallop (Means that the person being referred too has an unusual or uncommon quirk / way about them. This 'quirk' is recognisable in their way of being and personality. (Thank you: Heather Bense)
- An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
- An unfed dog never be in a playful mood. (Do not provoke someone while They're experiencing hardships. - Thank you: A.L.C)
- An untuned guitar makes a poor enima. (You should always tune your guitar - Thank you: Rich Guy)
- Arguing with a woman is like reading the Software License Agreement. In the end, you ignore everything and click "I agree".
- Arguing with an engineer is like wrestling in the mud with a pig, after a while, when you are tired and dirty, you realize that the pig likes it.
- As busy as a bee.
- As old as a steam train (Very old - Thank you: Brandon Cummings)
- As old as dirt (You are so old, you look like dirt - Thank you: Peyton Lee)
- Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies. (Thank you: Roland)
- Bad words are wind, but blows unkind. (Thank you: Glory Glo)
- Bark less, wag more (Thank you: Carol)
- Be careful what you wish for. It may come to be. (Thank you: Ernie)
- Be cruel to be kind. (Thank you: Saed Nazzal)
- Be prepared (Thank you: Kendrick Bateson)
- Be so happy that when people look at you, they become happy too.
Total: 816