Adages, the oral transfer of knowledge between generations

Here you will find a list of over seven hundred adages people use everyday to improve their lives. An adage is a short saying that transmits wisdom. Before people knew how to read and write, they passed knowledge by word of mouth. The word adage comes from Latin adagium (saying), formed by the prefix ad- (to, toward, about) and agium (from the verb agio, I say). ;
  1. Don't gag at a gnat and swallow a camel. (Thank you: Maxine G)
  2. Don't, it's like leaving a baby in a garbage can (Something wonderful left where it won't realize its full potential if anything at all. - Thank you: Jay H)
  3. Don't judge a man until walk a mile in his moccasins.
  4. Don't judge others by your intelligence (Don't think a person is thinking on the intellectual level as you. - Thank you: Bernice D)
  5. Don't kick the tiger in his ass unless you have a plan for dealing with his teeth. (Think before you act. - Thank you: Dustin)
  6. Don't kill the goose that lays golden eggs. (Thank you: Jerry)
  7. Don't leave for tomorrow what you can do today (Avoid procrastination)
  8. Don't let go of one vine, until you get the next one. (Thank you: Tarzan)
  9. Don't let the cat out of the bag.
  10. Don't let the tail wag the dog. (Thank you: Nellie B)
  11. Don't let your mouth right a check your butt can't cash. (Thank you: Clynne Artis)
  12. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth (Thank you: Eric Sim )
  13. Don't make a mountain out of a molehill (Don't exaggerate a small problem - Thank you: Alisa Lin)
  14. Don't piss on me and tell me it's raining.
  15. Don't play fool, to catch wise. (Thank you: Pamella)
  16. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. (Thank you: Nora Moeller)
  17. Don't put the cart before the horse. (Thank you: D Pressley)
  18. Don't rob Peter to pay Paul (Taking from one to pay a debt to another. - Thank you: Elmer T Fudd)
  19. Don't shoot what you can't eat. (Thank you: Jerry)
  20. Don't show your cards too early. (If you tilt your cards the other person knows what you got.)
  21. Don't squat with your spurs on.
  22. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. (What this essentially means is: don't be in such a hurry to discard the bad that you throw out the good. - Thank you: Lynn McCaghren)
  23. Don't try, do. (Thank you: Penguinstein)
  24. Don't wear out your shoes jumping to conclusions. (Jumping to conclusions can be costly. - Thank you: John Myers)
  25. Don't wear your heart on your sleeve. (Don't hide your feelings from the one you love. It may help you to hide some cards up your sleeve when you are are playing poker (until you get caught and killed with a Dillinger gun), but in love it is never safe).

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