Adages, the oral transfer of knowledge between generations

Here you will find a list of over seven hundred adages people use everyday to improve their lives. An adage is a short saying that transmits wisdom. Before people knew how to read and write, they passed knowledge by word of mouth. The word adage comes from Latin adagium (saying), formed by the prefix ad- (to, toward, about) and agium (from the verb agio, I say). ;
  1. I thought I was poor because I had no shoes. Then I met a man who had no feet.
  2. I will marry education and give birth to success. (Thank you: Edu Blu)
  3. Idle hands are the devils playground. (Too much time on your hands could result in acquiring some real bad habits - Thank you: Steve Rivera)
  4. If a frog had a glass ass it would be broken.
  5. If a frog had wings, it wouldn't bump its butt. (Thank you: Betcke)
  6. If a man wants to do something, he'll come up with a way. If he doesn't want to do it, he'll come up with an excuse. (Thank you: Staralfur)
  7. If a nail is lost, a shoe is lost. If a shoe is lost, a horse is lost. If a horse is lost, a rider is lost. If a rider is lost, a battle is lost. If a battle is lost, the war is lost. (Little things do count. Thank you: Ken Gilliland)
  8. If anything can go wrong, it will (Murphy's Law: Anything that can go wrong will go wrong, and at the worst possible time, in the worst possible way.)
  9. If at first you don't succeed, try and try again.
  10. If at first you don't succeed you are about average. (Thank you: Richard)
  11. If I agree with you, we both be wrong.
  12. If I tell you the truth and you don't believe it, what does that make it?... No that doesn't make it a lie, it makes it the truth you don't believe. (Thank you: Patrice)
  13. If 'if and but's were candy and nuts (Thank you: Michael)
  14. If "Ifs" and "buts" were bolts and nuts, we could all build a stairway to heaven. (Too many excuses. - Thank you: Staralfur)
  15. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
  16. If it ain't tested, it is broke (Mantra of test engineers)
  17. If it can go without saying, let it. (Thank you: Paul)
  18. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
  19. If it walks like a duck, swims like a duck and quakes like a duck, then it's a duck. (Thank you: Ken Gilliland)
  20. If life throws you lemons, learn to make lemonade. (Make the best of a bad situation. - Thank you: Osmay)
  21. If my aunt had balls she'd be my uncle. (This is from great-grandma. Means the same thing as "if wishes were horses then beggars might ride" - Thank you: Susan L)
  22. If one has only a hammer, all problems look like nails.
  23. If the cat hadn't stop to take a shit, he would have caught the rat. (Grandma's adage - You can't change the past, when it comes to life's lessons. It is a small word & has a big meaning - Thank you: Karen Ingram)
  24. If the shoe fits, wear it.
  25. If three people tell you you're sick, lay down. (Thank you: Quintal)

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