Adages, the oral transfer of knowledge between generations

Here you will find a list of over seven hundred adages people use everyday to improve their lives. An adage is a short saying that transmits wisdom. Before people knew how to read and write, they passed knowledge by word of mouth. The word adage comes from Latin adagium (saying), formed by the prefix ad- (to, toward, about) and agium (from the verb agio, I say). ;
  1. Dressed to kill. (Classy dresser - Thank you: Lorraine)
  2. Dressed to the nines. (Classy dresser. - Thank you: Lorraine)
  3. Eagles fly high, but so do the jet engines that suck them in. (Do not become too self-assured and compalcent. - Thank you: Dr. Bob)
  4. Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. (Benjamin Franklin - Thank you: Chan Kuhn)
  5. Easy, doesn't do it. (Thank you: Karc)
  6. Eat or be eaten. (The big fish eats the little fish, and Dog eats dog - Thank you: Maureen)
  7. Either fish or cut bait! (Be bold and make a decision - don't be wishy-washy. - Thank you: Jodi)
  8. Empty barrels make the most noise. (People who have nothing important to say, talk the most. - Thank you: A)
  9. Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn once in a while. (If you keep trying despite obstacles you can succed - Thank you: Donald
  10. Even a clock that doesn´t work gives the correct hour twice a day. (Nothing is useless. - Thank you: O )
  11. Even a fish wouldn't get into trouble if he kept his mouth shut. (Thank you: Sara)
  12. Every cloud has a silver lining. (Look for the good in everything that happens to you, no matter how bad it appears at the time. - Thank you: Linda Ellis)
  13. Every dog has his day. ( Thank you: Nimesh Kularatne )
  14. Every eye closed ain't sleep. (Thank you: Q)
  15. Every good-bye ain't gone (Thank you: J2)
  16. Every once in a while, even a blind pig snorts up a truffle. (Everyone gets lucky sometimes.)
  17. Every one serves a purpose, even if only to serve as a bad example. (Thank you: Duran)
  18. Everything is not what it seems. (Thank you: Taylor)
  19. Fail to prepare, prepare to fail. (Thank you: Daniel Smitham)
  20. Faith makes things possible, but not easy. (All things are possible, but may not all be easy. - Thank you: Reannah Barr)
  21. Falling like a ton of bricks. (Falling hard and fast.)
  22. Familiarty breeds contempt.
  23. Fat meat is greasy (Thank you: Quantarika - If you don't believe it, you will find out the hard way)
  24. Fear stays, so don't thank fear has left (After you done something real brave and scary. - Thank you: Aidan B.)
  25. Feed a cold, starve a fever. (Thank you: Nellie B)

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